Saturday, November 27, 2010


Cheyenne has been struggling with pneumonia and  bronchitis since early October. We thought we had it beat but it is back in full force. She started another oral antibiotic and steroids this past Monday night but so far, there is no improvement. She has been sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night and then resting throughout the day as well. Cheyenne is a pretty hyper active child, so this is not normal for her at all.  I will be calling the clinic on Monday if there is not a huge improvement between now and then.

 I struggle with how her health is, while she takes it in stride. It is all she has ever known. She is doing so much better than she has in the recent past. I know the Lord touched her and she didnt/doesnt have to have her lung removed as we were told 6 months ago and we are so very thankful but I thought she wouldnt ever be sick huh? Satan does like to attack. Attack he, he wont!!  By His stripes she is healed. Has it reached its full manifestion, not yet, but it is coming.

We had a great Thanksgiving. I hope you all did, too. My older sister used to come to my house every year for Thanksgiving so it is still pretty hard not having her with me, but I made it semi-okay despite missing her.  My sister and I shared cooking duties and we took it to my parents house so our mom didnt have to do anything. She is a klutz like me and is currently nursing a broken foot and broken elbow...well if you are going to do it, do it good, right?


donatelife said...

Sweetie, I sure hope you get to feeling better. I can't imagine what it feels like not to be able to breath good. I'm sure that's why you are needing all that sleep and rest, your body is trying to heal itself.
I really hope you are able to feel good enough to enjoy the holiday season.
Sending love, hugs & prayers from AR

Gemma said...

I'm also sending lots of love and strength that Cheyenne can over come all these trials that she faces right now. It's awful to see our hyper energetic loved ones sleepy and without energy.

Take care Debbie.


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