Thursday, April 1, 2010

Home IV's

Hi all..Cheyenne is doing fairly well. She is getting really bored sitting around the house since she is feeling better. We went to the doctor on Tuesday for a post hospital/IV check. There are some concerns so he ordered blood work..we are still waiting to hear about the results. She will continue on with home IV's for one more week.

Cheyenne wants to show rabbits in 4H so I told her she had to clear it with her doctor first. She asked him and to my amazement, he said it would be okay..but she had to understand, if she started gettting sick..they would have to go. Since she is sick so much, I am not sure how we are going to know if it is from the rabbit(s) or

Both girls are in 4H and have a Speech and Demonstration contest tonight. I am so shocked Cheyenne is planning on giving a speech. She found out last night that she will be alone on a big stage, so we will see if she really does give her Ciara is doing a demonstration and she is not shy at all so I hope we dont have to tell her to get off the

Chris is doing pretty good. It turned out to be two is chipped the other is fractured. He is stubborn (gets it from his dad) and has already returned to work.

My grandmother was released from the hospital. She is doing pretty good, too. I want to go see her but its not possible right now.

I found out last night that a friend of mine from forEVER ago passed away. I have known him for about 32 years..we had some good times and he will be missed.

Another friend of mine needs prayer for her grandson. He is 8 months old. He fell and thought he had a concussion. He doesnt, but some of his other tests are coming back "not normal" so they are trying to find out what is wrong with him.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am saying a prayer for you guys. Sounds like everything just happened at once, but we know that He is still in control even if we think everything is out of control.
Love you all,
Kae Tea Walksfunny will be graduating this weekend and if she can she would like to find a time to come and visit. :)

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